Thanks to a partnership between NEXT Harm Reduction and the program affiliate in your state, we are able to send you intramuscular naloxone through the mail. Mail-based services are specifically designed to support individuals who are unable or unwilling to access in-person services. Our work is driven by activism and mutual aid and is largely unfunded, please take this into consideration if you are able to make a small financial contribution to the program mailing supplies in your state. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

To qualify for mail-based naloxone distribution, you will need to view a 8-minute training video, answer a short quiz, and provide enrollment information. The enrollment information is shared with our colleagues in your affiliate state who will mail you naloxone in a plain bubble mailer. Please note that our enrollment form is not HIPAA compliant.

Opioid overdose prevention and response trainings can vary, and in some cases cover the topic extensively. We encourage you to visit our educational resources page to learn more about rescue breathing, the recovery position, opioid overdose aftercare, and a host of other valuable topics. 

Our training video, quiz, and enrollment are available in both English and Spanish. Please choose the option that is the most comfortable for you.




La naloxona intramuscular se ha utilizado durante décadas para revertir las sobredosis de opioides. La naloxona intramuscular es de acción rápida y a menudo la prefieren las personas que responden a incidentes de sobredosis con frecuencia.